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                                     Support the Shul


Income from membership dues, fund raising activities cover a portion of the synagogue’s operating expenses; however, other revenue sources are needed to provide the additional funds for on-going expenses, special programs and activities as well as for the shul’s future growth. Therefore, several funds have been established to which donations can be made.

General Fund
This fund provides supplemental income to be used for operating expenses. The donations may be made to:

1) honor or remember a person(s) or events,
2) purchase a Yahrzeit plaque,
3) purchase items on the shul’s Tree of Life,
4) purchase Siddurim or Chumashim

Building Fund
This fund is used to maintain the shul’s building, property and infrastructure. All new members pay a one time building fund fee of $550 that is payable over 5 years. Additional donations may be made directly to this fund.

Capital Fund

This fund is used to ensure future growth of the shul and its financial security. It is administered by the Investment Committee which invests the funds for growth and income. Donations to the fund may be made in the form of:

1) cash or cash equivalents,
2) stocks and bonds,
3) other assests

For more information about the Capital Fund, please e-mail the committee at

Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785