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We have an active Sisterhood that supports the shul in many ways. Not only do they prepare all Shabbat kiddushes, but they also do catering for events such as Shabbat Across America, Chanukah and Purim dinners, the annual raffle cocktail party and other notable events such as the joint sisterhood meetings and Israel Bond breakfasts hosted by the shul. They provide financial support to the shul through their annual calendar, sales from their gift shop and the annual hamentashen sale where over 8,000 hamentashen are handmade by the sisterhood and their many helpers, truly a shul wide event. Another important part of their activities is the support they provide members during times of need, such as the assistance and food provided to members while they sit shiva.  Another  community activity performed by the sisterhood is providing breakfast food(bananas and cereal) to the local homeless shelter.






                                                                                               Board of Directors                                                                                                     

                                                                              Hinda Baum  Cassia Brown
                                                                              Sandy Corwin  Marcia Fishman
                                                                              Ros Fox  Roberta Grosman
                                                                              Phyllis Wexler  Rabbi – Shlomo Krasner
Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785