Welcome to Congregation Schomre Israel, a modern orthodox synagogue located in Poughkeepsie, New York in the scenic Mid-Hudson Valley.
Shabbat schedule
Click here for shabbat schedule
Classes and events
Click on month for classes/events for that month:
To access a zoom meeting click link: https://zoom.us/j/2448244824 ; Pswd - 2448
Guest speaker- Rabbi Yaakov Glasser - Thursday, 9/26 at 7:30pm. Click here for more information.
Holiday schedule
Ongoing Activities
* The Private Herman Siegel Post 625 of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States holds its monthly meeting on the second Sunday of each month, at 9:30 am at the shul. For more information please contact the Post Commander, Robert L. Morrison at robl56@aol.com.
* Chair yoga classes are held every Monday and Thursday at 10:00 am.
Recent Programs & Events
Recent speakers
- Tuesday September 3rd - Asher Schwartz - Israeli Animator/Cartoonist/IDF Reservist will be presenting -" "Drawing the Line" - An Intimate Discussion and Live Drawing Session"
- Thursday, September 19 - Rivka Tadjer - "Protection from Antisemitism lurking on the Dark Web"
135th Anniversary Luncheon
On May 19th the shul hosted a 135th Anniversary Luncheon. For details about the event click here.
Purim Dinner
The Sisterhood's annual Purim Dinner was held on March 24th .
Annual Hamentashen Sale
The 2024 Hamentashen sale has been completed. It was another successful project by the Sisterhood.
Evening of comedy w/Ashley Blaker
Comedian Ashley Blaker appeared at Schomre Israel on March 18th. Click here for more detail.
Chanukah Dinner
Chanukah dinner was held on December 10, 2023.
Annual Purim Dinner
The annual Purim dinner was held on March 7th.
The Sisterhood has just completed its fortieth successful year of baking and selling hamentashen.
Chanukah Dinner
Sisterhood's annual chanukah dinner was held on Sunday, December 25, 2022.
Wiffleball Tournament
On October 16th the shul once again hosted the Federation's annual wiffleball tournament. In addition the shul provided a BarBQ with hot dogs and hamburgers free to all attendees. A good time was had by all.
Aaron Lipkin June 22nd presentation
On June 22nd Aaron Lipkin make a presention at the shul, described below, to members of the community.
Thirty-ninth Hamentashen Sale
Sisterhood's 39th hamentashen sale(2022) was recently completed. This was the first sale in 2 years due to the covid restrictions.
Annual Purim Dinner
Annual Chanukah Dinner
Sisterhood's annual chanukah dinner was held on December 5, 2021. This was the first chanukah dinner in 2 years and a good time was had by all.
Sisterhood Annual Hamentashen Sale
Sisterhood has completed baking hamentashen for Purim 2020.
Last tray of hamentashen for 2020 Rabbi Krasner and Holly
Reading Hebrew 101 Classes
On November 11th Rabbi Krasner began Monday classes on reading hebrew, starting from the absolute basics, and focused on being able to read properly and fluently. The classes were held from 6-6:45pm thru the end of January.
Mitzvah Workshops
Rabbi Krasner presented a number of mitzvah workshops from November 5th thru January 7th. Click here for more details.
Annual Purim Dinner
The Sisterhood's annual Purim dinner was held on Thursday, March 21, 2020.
Brisket Hamentashen
Sisterhood's Annual Hamentashen Sale
The Sisterhood completed baking hamentashen for its 36th annual sale(2020). Shown below are some of the bakers.
Sun, October 13 2024
11 Tishrei 5785
Minyan times shown on the calendar may change:
Call Rabbi Krasner for exact times at:
443-388-zero zero three three
Eruv status:Down-10/10/24
See eruv map.
Support Shul's fund raising by Buying Gift Cards/Scrip. Order here or contact Leonard Grosman at (845)471-5105.
The current weekly email newsletter is available here.
Today's Calendar
Shacharit : 8:30am |
Tomorrow's Calendar
Columbus Day Indigenous Peoples' Day |
Shacharit : 8:00am |
Candle Lighting
Wednesday, Oct 16, 5:54pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Oct 19, 6:49pm |
Erev Sukkot
Wednesday, Oct 16 |
Support the shul's fund raising while you shop online. Click here to start.